
Want to dine out, but still wondering where to go?

Look up the dish you crave on EatOut to view all restaurants near you with the price for that item, the distance, the current occupancy, and its rating.

All results sorted with your preferences.

UI by Neil Fernandes


date: August 2021


We took the best of the online delivery world and gave it a spin to give you an app that can provide the best dine-in experience. With our team, we created EatOut! This app's goal is to help you find that ideal restaurant to dine-in at tonight. Simply enter in your preferences from ratings to distance, and it will recommend to you all the restaurants that can satisfy your taste.

With the use of Google Cloud API, Python, JavaScript, UI design, and many more, we were able to bring this idea to life.

What I did

Web-Scraping: selenium