CODIA: Modulated Robotic Assistant


Award Winning Project

CODIA is a modulated artificial assistant controlled over a versatile touchless user interface by monitoring hand gestures with customized rings.

It is a personal project who was born out of the idea of introducing general purpose robotic assistants to our homes to improve our quality of life. CODIA was designed with a vision in mind of an artificial assistant that would not be barricaded to the majority household by the steep cost of modern robotics and rather be affordable to every family.

What it is

3D Printing
Circuit Design
Shop Skills

An Arduino based modulated robot with an alterable configuration designed to adapt to perform various tasks.

To design this, a variety of skills from schematic to mechanical design were needed.

Gesture Control

Gesture Controller and the schematic of the RF circuit.

Electrical and Arduino Systems

Mechanical Design

↓ Check out some CAD drawings below ↓

Mecanum getting ready to be 3D printed

CAD Drawings

Award Winning Project